Can Adult Braces Correct Bite Problems?
As a leading dentist in Pontefract, our team helps patients in and around the area with all kinds of dental concerns. Whether it’s a whiter smile, a routine check-up or orthodontic treatments, there’s so much we can do to achieve your best smile with the help of dental treatment. Today we’ll be discussing adult braces in Pontefract!
Today, our Pontefract dentist will explore what bite problems are, whether adult braces can correct them, and what may happen if you don’t seek treatment.
What is your bite?
The bite describes how your teeth meet when you bite. Bite problems can range from an overbite (overlapping top teeth) to an underbite (overlapping bottom teeth), crossbite (overlapping across both sets of teeth) and open bite (a gap in the centre of the bite).
Why is your bite so important?
A healthy bite can help you with:
– Breathing
– Speaking
– Sleeping
– Biting, chewing and eating
You’ll also feel more confident about how your smile looks.
Why fix your bite with adult braces in Pontefract?
Improving the alignment of your teeth can make them more comfortable to eat, improve your dental health (because of the spacing of the smile) and help you feel happier and more confident.
Can adult braces correct bite problems?
Yes. One of our top treatments for treating bite problems is Invisalign braces. These are clear, removable trays that comfortably fit over your teeth. As you progress through your treatment, you’ll switch Invisalign braces, as each slowly moves your teeth into position. Invisalign braces are great for adults and children alike.
What happens if I don’t fix my bite?
You could suffer from:
– Pain while eating, chewing and biting
– Headaches, jaw pain and TMJ
– Issues with breathing
– Problems with talking and enunciating your words
– Sleep concerns
– Tooth and gum wear, including chipping and breakages
Delaying the teeth straightening treatment that you need can create more problems – and expenses – in the future.
Are adult braces expensive?
No, they offer fantastic value for money. Braces enhance your confidence; correct bite and alignment problems; improve your oral health; and give you peace of mind. Invisalign braces are our most popular choice and are offered here at our Pontefract dental practice.
What’s my next step?
We’d love to welcome you to our Pontefract dental practice for a consultation with our top dentists. From here, we can assess your smile, recommend appropriate treatments and even start you on Invisalign braces. To get started, all you need to do is visit our contact page and get in touch with the team or book online. We look forward to hearing from you soon!