Practice information during COVID-19
We have been working hard behind the scenes preparing the practice to open for patients since the announcement was made that dentists could re-open. We have put measures in place to ensure our patients and staff are kept as safe as possible. These include adapted protocols and procedures for new workflows and staff training. Social distancing provisions and additional personal protective equipment have also been implemented.
We are unable to see patients that have symptoms or are recovering from COVID-19. All patients will be asked COVID-19 screening questions prior to attending an appointment and they will also be screened at time of attending and asked to sign a consent form.
Patients that have symptoms or are recovering from COVID-19 will be triaged over the phone and referred to an alternative dental hub if required.
Patients with a dental emergency and previous outstanding treatment will be prioritised. We are unable to book any routine or non-urgent dental care due to the volume of patients that are needing to be treated. All patients requiring routine care appointments will be contacted as soon as we are able to see them.
Please only enter the practice if you have a scheduled appointment. If you need to book an appointment or have enquiry please contact via telephone or email.
There are social distancing systems in place in the waiting area & reception and these have been displayed with floor & seating positioning markers. Our waiting area has a maximum capacity of seven people. Please consider this prior entering the practice and if necessary, wait outside within the que barriers until there is waiting room space available inside.
We ask that all patients attend no earlier than 5 minutes prior to their appointment and on their own. Otherwise anyone accompanying will need to wait outside or in their car. Where an escort is necessary (e.g. for consent), one escort is allowed per patient and this escort should be from the patient’s household to minimise exposure risk. The escort will also be screened regarding COVID-19 risk upon entry.
All patients attending for an appointment will be screened for COVID-19 including temperature check. Our reception team will also ask you to use hand sanitor and give you a mask to wear whilst in the practice upon entering and leaving the practice. Disposable gloves will also be provided to wear to sign required paperwork.
For cross contamination purposes we are unable to take cash payments. All payments for treatment will be taken over the phone at the time of booking your appointment.
To minimise contact areas in the practice we will not have any patient bathroom facilities available. Please ensure you visit the toilet prior to setting off for your appointment.
Due to the nature of dentistry we are unable to practice social distancing for providing dental treatment. We have followed Public Health England Guidelines and put additional personal protective equipment measures in place required for staff. Our reception and dental team will be wearing additional protective equipment. This is to help minimise the potential spread of COVID-19 where social measures cannot be implemented. To be able to provide dental procedures where aerosol based dental procedures are required, (i.e. using the drill or water for fillings and crowns) our dental team will be wearing full length surgical gowns, aprons, high filtration respirators and face protection.